Our Story

Founders of Wild Urban - Wild Urban, Rochester NY


Wild Urban

Wild Urban is a recently established digital design agency envisioned by two talented, driven RIT graduates. We’re thrilled to see our side passion project undergo a metamorphosis into a comprehensive web design, digital marketing, and branding services.

The 9-5 is to creatives what weed killer is to wildflowers.

How can inspiration strike when tethered to a cubicle and desk chair? At Wild Urban, we believe in inspiration and motivation, not the bottom line.

We’re rebellious souls revolting against the system.

As seasoned Website Designers, we want to be totally real with you: the configuration of most agencies is deeply flawed. Those at the top charge clients astronomical prices — do virtually no labor — and compensate underlings carrying-out projects dirt.

Branding Session for Wild Urban - Wild Urban, Rochester NY
Website Design- Wild Urban, Rochester NY

Here’s the cool part.

The suits aren’t necessary anymore! We’re the ones who can create cool shit that represents your brand. And we can do that without bureaucratic BS, and so can you!…It’ll cost far less, too.

Meet The Masterminds

Laura Olverd - Wild Urban, Rochester NY

Laura Olverd

Hi I’m Laura, and I am one of the co-founders of Wild Urban!

🏡 I’m from Rochester, NY and currently reside here!

🐅 Graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in Graphic Design.

💻 I specialize in web design and social media design for small businesses.

✨ My favorite part about my job is helping small businesses with their marketing needs and making it affordable and accessible for everyone to have an online presence.

🌮 Favorite way to escape screen time is traveling and adventuring outdoors, I love trying new places to eat and discovering hidden gems in Rochester.

🤍 I am so excited to work with some awesome businesses and help their brands flourish.

Savannah Clemens - Wild Urban, Rochester NY

Savannah Clemens

Hi I’m Savannah, and I am one of the co-founders of Wild Urban!

🏡 I’m from Rochester, NY but recently relocated to Las Vegas, NV.

🐅 Graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in Graphic Design, with Laura!

🙌🏻 Specialize in UX & UI as well as web design.

✨ I believe our job as designers is more than just creating for a visual aesthetic. It’s the ability to focus on the empathy of our users, to develop meaningful and successful designs.

🌲 Favorite way to escape screen time is exploring national parks on the West Coast.

🌈 Excited to take control of my creative work through this new venture of owning my own business. Ready to work showing off badass brands!

Effective, Edgy Web Design

(& Other Stuff We Value)

We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen.We make shit happen.We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen. We make shit happen.

Feeling good about your project?

Wild Urban Studio | Website Design Agency

get in touch
